How to set up a LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’

How to set up a LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’

The LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’ feature is a digital publishing environment that allows you to store and publish articles, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

The major benefit compared to a standard LinkedIn article is that your subscribers receive an in-app notification and email when you publish an article as a LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’.

A standard article only gets published on your timeline and depending on the algorithm your connections will need to find and read it when they scroll through their feed.

LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’ access criteria

You can set up a newsletter on LinkedIn if you turn on the ‘Creator’ mode from your Dashboard.

Additional factors to consider:

  • Audience base - Members and pages with more than 150 followers and/or connections are eligible to be evaluated for LinkedIn newsletters access.
  • Recent shares of original content - LinkedIn looks for members and pages that have experience in creating original content.
  • A history of abiding by LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies - Only members, pages and their admins with a good LinkedIn standing record will be considered for access to the ‘Newsletter’ feature.

How to publish the Linkedin ‘Newsletter’ for your business page

To add the LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’ feature on your business page, you must be a ‘Super’ or ‘Content admin’ of that page.

To get started follow the prompts below:

  • Navigate to your page.
  • Click on “Write article”.
  • Click the button “Create a newsletter”.
  • Add a title, description, publishing cadence and logo.
  • Once that is done you can write the first article for your newsletter.
  • By default, your page followers will be invited by notification to subscribe once the first article of your newsletter has been successfully published.
  • Be aware that LinkedIn only allows you to send out one newsletter every 24 hours.

Benefits of the LinkedIn ‘Newsletter’

LinkedIn has become the most popular social network for professionals. Publishing ‘Newsletters’ are yet another powerful marketing tool on offer.

Some of the main benefits are:

  • Your subscribers get an in app and email notification every time you publish an article as a ‘Newsletter’.
  • You can embed images, videos, slides and even snippets of code examples to deliver a rich user experience.
  • LinkedIn articles are indexed by Google.
  • Like most social media algorithms, LinkedIn rewards content that people interact with the most. If you create unique and engaging content LinkedIn will serve it to more people.
  • Publishing a regular ‘Newsletter’ article will certainly help boost your brand awareness and build trust.
  • ‘Newsletters’ are an invaluable tool in your inbound marketing strategy to help with lead generation.
  • Best of all, the feature is for free.

Want to learn more? Our team is more than happy to assist. Get in touch with us now.